= Bloglines4R -- Bloglines API for Ruby

This is Bloglines4R, a little library to access Bloglines Web Services
at http://rpc.bloglines.com from the Ruby programming language.

Author:: Giulio Piancastelli <[email protected]>
Requires:: Ruby 1.8 or later
License:: Bloglines4R is Copyright (c) 2004 by Giulio Piancastelli
Bloglines4R is released under the terms of the GNU General
Public License version 2 or later. See the license.txt file
included in the distribution for further details.

== Quick Start

Bloglines4R comes in RubyGems flavor and as tgz and zip archives
also. Automatic installation of the library is supported through
RubyGems only.

After installing Bloglines4R through RubyGems you should be able to
run a little example as the following:
require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'Bloglines4R'
rescue LoadError
require 'bloglines'
bloglines = Bloglines::WebServices.new(:user => '[email protected]')
puts bloglines.update
where you need to substituite the email address you registered to
Bloglines with for <tt>[email protected]</tt>.

== Unit Tests

Bloglines4R comes with a little suite of unit tests. If you want to
run it, you have to modify the script <tt>test/bloglines_test.rb</tt>
substituting your account's email address, password, and user_id for
the appropriate parameters in BloglinesTest#setup method.

Please note that if you run tests from within the RubyGems
installation process, they will entirely fail. This does not mean the
library won't work: run the example, and try the tests after modifying
them as required. If and only if those do not work, you can report a
problem within Bloglines4R.

== Known issues

- RSS documents are returned as REXML documents, but this will change in Ruby 1.8.2
when a RSS parser will be officially included in the distribution.
- Also OPML documents are returned as REXML documents: would it be better to build
an hash from elements in the subscriptions document?