BodyBuilder (Version 0.2.2)

A Ruby XHTML 1.1 Generator

Author: Exiquio Cooper-Anderson (exiquio [at] gmail [dot] com) Copyright: © 2010 Exiquio Cooper-Anderson License: GPLv3 (

Requirements: Ruby 1.9.*

Installation: gem install BodyBuilder then: require ‘body_builder’ (you may have to require ‘rubygems’, I don’t)



Usage: see readme_example.rb and test/body_builder_test.rb

Changelog: *0.2.3 -fixed li tag… my bad *0.2.2 -removed pointless comments -fixed favicon browser compatibility -fixed script tag -modified examples -modified riot tests *0.2.1 - don’t remember or care to look it up *0.2.0 - refactored - fixed bugs - implmented riot beheavior tests - benchmarked

TODO/Known Issues: see issues

NOTE: ‘document type does not allow element ’script’ here’ Validation causes the above error because scripts are loading at the end of the XHTML document for performance.