# =About # CloudyScripts is a library that implements tasks that support common # usecases on Cloud Computing Infrastructures (such as Amazon EC2 or Rackspace). # It aims to facilitate the implementation of usecases that are not directly # available via the providers’ API (e.g. like encrypting storage, # migrating instances betweem accounts, activating HTTPS). The scripts typically # use the provider APIs plus remote access to command-line tools installed on # the instances themselves. # # =Installation and Usage # ==Installation # gem install CloudyScripts
# # ==Usage # All scripts are available under /lib/scripts/<provider> # They are initialized with a set of parameters and return a well-define # set of return values. # # =Scripts # Here are the scripts implemented so far: # * #DmEncrypt (encrypt Amazon EBS Storage using dm-encrypt) # * #CopyAmi (copy Amazon AMI between Regions) # * #CopySnapshot (copy Amazon Snapshot between Regions) # * #Ami2EbsConversion (create an EBS-Backed Amazon AMI from an Instance-Store Amazon AMI) # * #CriticalPortsAudit (check Amazon SecurityGroups for publicly opened critical ports) # * #OpenPortChecker (check Amazon SecurityGroups and Instances to found opened port without service running behind) # # =Questions and Suggestions # Frederic Donnat # [email protected] # elastic-security.com