DTR – Distributed Test Runner

Supporting DTR version: 0.0.x

This package contains DTR, a distributed test runner program for decreasing build time.

DTR works in two parts: DTR Client and DTR Server. DTR Server controls all tests running or setting up test env. DTR Clients is always waiting for commands from DTR server to:

  • set up test env

  • run test and update report to DTR Server

DTR has the following features:

  • Run tests in mutli-processes/machines

  • Setup test env before running test.

You may need to consider using sychronize tools (likes rsync(samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/)) to synchronize project files between machines.


The latest version of DTR can be found at


Normal Installation

You can install DTR with the following command.

% ruby install.rb

from its distribution directory.

GEM Installation

Download and install DTR with the following.

gem install --remote dtr

Running the DTR Test Suite

If you wish to run the unit and functional tests that come with DTR:

  • CD into the top project directory of dtr.

  • Type one of the following:

    rake # You need a version of rake installed

Online Resources

DTR References

Simple Example

Once installed, you can run DTR client at your project directory as follows …

% dtr --server druby://build_server_ip:1314 --name client_name --port 3344
(The default port of dtr server is '1314')

Type “dtr –help” for an up-to-date option summary. Invoking dtr without any options causes dtr to run with option ‘–server druby://localhost:1314 –port 3344’

In your Rakefile, you can custom a task to let DTR server run tests:

require "rubygems"
require 'dtr'
task :cruise do
  tests = FileList["test/unit/**/*test.rb].to_a
  fail "Failed" unless DTR.run(tests, ['druby://client_1_ip:3344', 'druby://localhost:3344'])

Run tests in multi-processes on one machine

In your Rakefile:

task :dtr => ["start_clients", "db:test:prepare"] do
  fail "Failed" unless DTR.run(FileList["test/unit/**/*test.rb].to_a, ['druby://localhost:3345', 'druby://localhost:3346'])
task :start_clients do
  DTR::ClientServer.new(:client_name => "client 1", :port => "3345").start
  puts "client 1 started"
  DTR::ClientServer.new(:client_name => "client 2", :port => "3346").start
  puts "client 2 started"


Josh Price

For fixing tests packer.

Wang Pengchao

For share of lots of ideas.


DTR is available under an Apache License Version 2.


The DTR homepage is dtr.rubyforge.org. You can find the DTR RubyForge page at rubyforge.org/projects/dtr.

Feel free to submit commits or feature requests. If you send a patch, remember to update the corresponding unit tests. If fact, I prefer new feature to be submitted in the form of new unit tests.

For other information, feel free to ask on the ruby-talk mailing list or contact [email protected].


DTR client is invoked from the command line using:

% dtr [<em>options</em> ...]

Options are:

-s, --server_uri SERVER_URI      DTR server uri
-n, --name NAME                  DTR client name, the default is string 'client' with a time stamp.
-o, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR      the dir for DTR client to output logs, the default is 'dtr_tmp'.
-i, --setup COMMAND              Define the command for initializing test environment, the default is 'rake db:test:prepare'
-p, --port PORT                  Define DTR client port, the default is 3344
-t, --trace                      Turn on invoke/execute tracing.
-u, --stdout                     Print all log into stdout.
-v, --version                    Show version
-h, --help                       Show this help doc

Other stuff


Li Xiao <[email protected]>


Ruby 1.8.0 or later


Copyright 2007 by Li Xiao. Released under an Apache License. See the LICENSE file included in the distribution.


This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.