Welcome to RSokoban !

RSokoban is a clone of the famous Sokoban game. I wrote this program just to improve my skills in Ruby with GUI.


  • Graphical user interface with Tk

  • Skinning

  • 200+ levels

  • Undo/redo

  • Use xsb file format to load sets of levels

  • Additional console user interfaces (curses and straight text mode)

Enjoy the game.


Look at the wiki.


Installing dependencies

You need Ruby >= 1.8.7

To play with the graphical user interface you need to be sre that the following packages are installed on your system:

  • libtcltk-ruby

  • libtk-img

  • tk-tile

Installing RSokoban

First method, install from the sources This is the method I recommend. To install RSokoban from the source, go to the RSokoban folder and build the gem:

gem build rsokoban.gemspec

Then install it (maybe you have to be root):

gem install RSokoban-x-xx.gem

Now start playing :


If you prefer using rake to build and install:

rake build
rake install

Second method Or install via RubyGem in one command (you need ruby 1.9 or higher). Note that I don’t certify you will get the latest release:

gem install RSokoban



Questions and/or Comments

Feel free to email Xavier Nayrac with any questions.