
Project home: www.rubyforge.org/projects/c14n-r Author : Roland Schmitt, [email protected] Date : 12.05.2007

Version : 0.1


1. What is it (and what is it not)
2. Requirements
3. Installation
4. Usage
5. Samples
6. License
7. Support
8. URLs

1. What is it (and what is it not)

C14N-r stands for "xml canonicalizer for ruby". It implements the "Canonical XML
Version 1.0" recommendation from the w3c [1]. 
c14n-r is a sub-project from wss4r [2], an implementation of some web service security standards.
If you like it or hate it or want more features, drop me an email at [email protected].

2. Requirements

log4r >= 1.0.4

3. Installation

Simly do: gem install –local XMLCanonicalizer-0.1.gem

4. Usage

require “xmlcanonicalizer” c = Xml::Util::XmlCanonicalizer.new(true,true) #XmlCanonicalizer.new(WITH_COMMENTS, EXCLUSIVE_MODE) c.canonicalize_element(element, false) #XmlCanonicalizer::canonicalize_element(element, LOGGING)

5. Examples

require "xmlcanonicalizer"
require "rexml/document"
include REXML  
string = <<EOF
       <someelement attribute="nanoo">Text, text, text</someelement><anotherelement/>
doc = Document.new(string)
c = XML::Util::XmlCanonicalizer.new(true,true)
doc = c.canonicalize(doc)

6. License

C14N-r is licensed under GPL and Ruby's custom license. See GPL and RUBYS.

7. Support

The RubyForge mailing list is at www.rubyforge.org/projects/c14n-r.
Or, to contact the author, send mail to [email protected]

8. URLs

[1] - http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-c14n  
[2] - http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/wss4r