
XMLROCS is short for XML Ruby ObjeCtS. It is a library that allows to map XML data to Ruby objects.

XMLROCS is kind of a poor man’s DOM. It provides basic access to attributes and child elements so you can comfortably work with XML data. Generally speaking, you can manipulate your XML data in true Ruby OO style.

Creating an XMLROC

The following XML data will be used in the following examples:

xml = <<-EOS
<products name="Computers">
  This is a mixed content for the following products:
  <product id="2">Dell</product>
  <product id="1">Acer</product>
  <product id="3">Apple</product>
  Another text.
  <product id="4">HP</product>

o = XMLROCS::XMLNode.new :text => xml # => produces an XMLROC

If you already have an REXML::Document flying arround you can do the following:

rexml_document =  REXML::Document.new(xml)
o = XMLROCS::XMLNode.new :root => rexml_document.root

Accessing and Modifiying Attributes

All attributes are available via the []-operator. Attributenames are stored as symbols, so the []-operator behaves pretty much like a Hash with symbol-keys. Let’s have a look at it:

o[:name] # => Computers
o[:i_m_not_there] # => nil

You can also modify attributes:

o[:name] = o[:name].reverse # => sretupmoC

which is pretty much equivalent to:

o[:name].reverse! # => sretupmoC

The other way to handle attributes is to access the @attributes accessor, which acts as a hash with the following format:

{ :atrribute_name => "attribute_value" }

Just like with the []-operator you can also modify the accessor-variable.

Accessing and Modifiyng Children

Children can be accessed via instance methods or the @children accessor. Just like the @attributes accessor, the @children accessor has the following format:

{ :child_name => [ XMLNode, ... ] }

:child_name is the name of the tag of the child, while XMLNode is an array containing all children with the name. Still, this solution is mainly used for internal representation and it is pretty tedious to work with, because you always have to handle the array, even when you know that there is only one child (probably garuanteed by some DTD or XSD). Instance methods solve this problem by ALWAYS returning a direct XMLNode. If there are n > 1 children with the same name, the instance method will return the last (wrt to appearance in the XML data) element. You can access all children with the same name by appending a ‘!’ to the instance_method just like this:

o.tag_name! # => [ XMLNode, ... ]

Some other examples:

# Determine the id of the Apple-product
o.product!.select { |x| x == "Apple" }.first[:id] # => "3"

# Determine the ids of all products whose name is not empty
o.product!.select { |x| not x.empty? } # => ["Dell", "Acer", "Apple", "HP"]

# Determine the name of the product with id == "3"
o.product!.select { |x| x[:id] == "3" }.first # => "Apple"

# produce a hashmap { id => productname }
o.product!.inject({}) { |h,x| h.merge({ x[:id] => x }) } # => {"1"=>"Acer", "2"=>"Dell", "3"=>"Apple", "4"=>"HP"}

# sort by product id
o.product!.sort { |a,b| a[:id] <=> b[:id] } # => ["Acer", "Dell", "Apple", "HP"]

# get the last product (wrt order of appearance in the xml text)
o.product # => HP

# apply some changes and write back the xml
o.product!.each { |x| x[:id] = "#{x[:id].to_i * 10}" }
o.to_xml # => 
'<products name="Computers">
   <product id="20">Dell</product>
   <product id="10">Acer</product>
   <product id="30" >Apple</product>
   <product id="40">HP</product>

o.product!.each { |x| x.set_text(x.reverse) }
o.to_xml # => 
'<products name="Computers">
   <product id="20">lleD</product>
   <product id="10">recA</product>
   <product id="30">elppA</product>
   <product id="40">PH</product>

Appending and Removing Children and Attributes

To add attributes, just add a new entry to the attributes accessor:

o[:short_name] = "comp" 
puts o.to_xml # => 
<products name="Computers"  short_name="comp">

To remove an attribute, you have to call the delete_attribute method

puts o.to_xml # => 
<products name="Computers">

To add children, call the << operator with an XMLNode as argument.

# create the child node
child = XMLROCS::XMLNode.new(:text => '<product id="5">Fujitsu</product>')
# add it to the o-node
o << child
puts o.product!.select { |x| x[:id] == "5" }.first # => Fujitsu

To remove a child, call the >> operator with the childname as argument. You can also provide a block to provide a more fine-grained filter. The block will then be called with a child XMLNode as an argument.

# remove all children with id == "5"
o.>> { |child| child[:id] == "5" }

Whenever you provide a block, you have to bind the >> operator to the object, because of the lower precedence of the infix call.

# remove all product children with id == "5"
o.>>(:product) { |child| child[:id] == "5" }

# remove all children called :product
o >> :product

Walking over the XML-Tree Structure

All iterating is done in Preorder, but you can override the default behaviour by setting the traversal accessor.

Currently the library supports the following traversals:

o.traversal = :preorder # default
o.traversal = :inorder 
o.traversal = :postorder

You can inject the XML Tree with a left associative function, and map over the tree by calling map or map! which will not produce an Array but another XML Tree.


This library does not provide direct support for XPath, but you can emulate it’s behaviour with iterators and closures.

Suppose you want to select all products whose id is smaller than 5. In XPath you probably would come up with something like this:

//[@id < 5]

With XMLROCS there is no need for XPaths, because you can do the very same thing easily in Ruby:

o.select { |node| node[:id] && node[:id].to_i < 5 }

Here’s another one that builds an Array of all leafs:

o.select { |node| node.leaf? }

which is equivalent to:

o.select { |node| node.children.empty? }

Here’s another one. Select all nodes that have no attributes:

o.select { |node| node.attributes.empty? }

It’s actually quite handy, since your closure gets called on all children and the object itself and then selects which elements you want to keep. The big advandage here is, that you can actually do anything in the closure that Ruby can do.