Abiquo API Ruby client

Rest client to work with the Abiquo’s API.


gem install abiquo


The first version of the api just uses basic authentication, so we need to create an instance with our credentials:

auth = Abiquo::BasicAuth.new('Abiquo', 'username', 'password')

The entry point for the Abiquo’s API is an atom document service:

api = Abiquo::Resource('http://abiquo.example.com/api', auth)

from this point we can access to every resource exposed by the api calling nested methods:

datacenters = api.datacenters
racks = api.datacenters.first.racks

or get the values of their elements:

datacenter = api.datacenters.first
datacenter.name  # => The name of the datacenter

You can find further example into the specs:


Further documentation of the API can be found in our wiki:


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