Acquia API gem

Ruby implementation of the Acquia Cloud API.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'acquia-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install acquia-api

Example Usage

We’re going to assume we’re testing a production deploy of tag release-34 by deploying to the test environment, since we’d want to do this before running through a similar process on prod itself.

“ require ‘acapi’

Site/subscription will be auto-detected from credentials.

client =
username => ‘39513c57-364a-3d2f-4e6a-654d5a793535’,
password => ‘Vah6ewCG0zn0IiQ8ylLyv8rRFZ2vZyAysOSguHkk1mfl9GQuEK3x’ )

client.add_domain ‘’, :test client.copy_files! :prod, :test

Collect response data from methods for later use.

responses = [] responses « client.copy_database! ‘my_database’, :prod, :test responses « client.deploy! ‘release-34’, :test

Output status of tasks for fun.



code-push task status: done

db-migrate task status: done

responses.each do |res| puts “#res[queue] task status: #res[id]” end

Wait for db copy and deploy tasks to complete.

responses.each do |res| client.poll_task res[id] end

Auto-polling methods

If you would rather have certain methods automatically wait for their respective tasks to complete before moving on, paste this into the top of your code. (You’ll likely want to add more functions than :create_database.)

“ require ‘acapi’

module AcquiaCloudApi class Client

].each do |method|
  alias_method "original_#{method}".to_sym, method.to_sym

  define_method method.to_sym do |*args|
    response = self.send("original_#{method}".to_sym, *args)
    task_id = response['id']

    original_reponse = response

end end

Client#create_database will now wait for database creation task to complete.

client.create_database! ‘testing123’


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request