This is a simple achievement builder for rails
To install Achievable, simply install the gem:
gem install achievable
Run generator to generate config information in application.rb
, migration file achievable_migration
, and model files achievement.rb
and achieving.rb
rails g achievable MODEL
MODEL here is the achiever - model that receives achievement, for example: user
Configuration for Resque
Achievable also provides resque functionality. Enable or disable resque in config/application.rb
config.achievable.resque_enable = false
Specify which model is used for the achiever, take user for example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Achievable::Achiever
has_many :posts
Specify which column to check for achievement of in a model, the name of the achievement, receiver of achievement and condition in which achiever has to meet. If receiver is not set, then the model itself is the receiver.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
achievable :image_url, "first_time_edit_avatar"
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
achievable :description, "first_time_edit_description", :receiver => :user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
achievable :tags_count, "tags_500_times" :condition => lambda { |u| u.tags_count = 500 }