ActionMailer automatic URL options

Make ActionMailer use the current request host, port and protocol for URL generation.


In Rails apps, if you create links in your emails, you need to set the host, port and protocol in every environment configuration file you use.

This plugin removes that need by using the current request's host, port and protocol instead.

This is also helpful when you use different domain names, based on the language for example.


Add this line to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem 'action_mailer_auto_url_options'

Run bundle install, restart your server and that's it!

Usage with Sidekiq

If you delay your emails with Sidekiq, include this middleware in your sidekiq.rb initializer:

require "action_mailer_auto_url_options/middleware/sidekiq"

Security considerations

This does not protect you from host-injection exploits, so please whitelist requests to the allowed domain name in production.

Read more about this vulnerability because your app may already be vulnerable if it does any kind of cache.
