
action_sms is a lightweight wrapper based on activesms. action_sms allows you to use existing SMS Gateway Adapters and switch between them effortlessly without modifing your application code. Unlike activesms, action_sms does not implement any SMS Gateway Adapters. For this see action_sms_gateways


Establish a connection to your SMS Gateway Adapter:

  :adapter => 'your_adapter',
  # the remaining options are specific to the SMS Gateway Adapter
  :username => '[username]',
  :password => '[password]'

The only required option is :adapter. This specifies the SMS Gateway adapter you want to use. The remaining options are specific to the adapter.

Then subclass ActionSms::Base to define a notifier

class SMSNotifier < ActionSms::Base

Now you can call:



For convenience there are a couple of generators that can be used if you are using action_sms within a Rails app.

rails g initializer

Generates an initializer under config/initializers with the establish_connection code described above.

rails g notifier

Generates a notifier under app/notifiers with the SMSNotifier code described above.


gem install action_sms


Place the following in your Gemfile:

gem action_sms

SMS Gateway Adapters

See action_sms_gateways

Copyright (c) 2010 David Wilkie, released under the MIT license