ActionStore allows you to push data directly into Svelte stores via ActionCable. Here's an introductory blog post.
Note There's currently no way to configure the Websocket URL. At the moment it only works in the browser, with the default Rails configuration, on the same origin.
Ruby gem
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'actionstore'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Npm package
Install the package:
$ yarn add @buhrmi/actionstore
Below are some usage examples. For more condensed details, see the API section.
Subscribe to a database record
In a Svelte component:
import {subscribe} from '@buhrmi/actionstore'
// you need the signed global id of the record you want to subscribe to
export let user_sgid
// Calling `subscribe` will set up an ActionCable subscription and return a
// Svelte store which you can push to
const user = subscribe(user_sgid)
{#if $user}
Hello {$}
Now you can populate the store from the backend:
class User < ApplicationRecord
def subscribed channel
push_update name: 'Rich Harris'
Multiple stores
You can also push data into stores specified by an id
import {subscribe,store} from '@buhrmi/actionstore'
export let user_sgid
const user = subscribe(user_sgid)
// Use the store() method to get an ActionStore by id
const messages = store('messages')
Now you can push into the "messages" store from the backend
user.push_append_into 'messages', text: 'hello'
Autopush changes
You can automatically sync record changes to the store.
class User < ApplicationRecord
# this will only push changed attributes
after_update_commit -> { push_update saved_changes.transform_values(&:last) }
Perform actions
With ActionStore you can define actions directly on the model and call them from the frontend.
const user = subscribe(user_sgid)
user.perform 'say_hello', 'thomas'
class User
def perform_say_hello channel, name
puts "Hello #{name}"
Trigger events
const user = subscribe(user_sgid)
user.on('show_alert', function(data) {
user.push_event 'show_alert', 'Boo!'
ActionStore consists of two parts, the frontend (Javascript) part and the backend (Ruby) part. Find details below.
The @buhrmi/actionstore
package exports the following functions:
const someStore = subscribe(sgid, initial=null, storeId=sgid)
- Sets up a new subscription to the record with the specified global id. You can optionally pass a storeId. If a new subscription with the same storeId is created, the old subscription will be cancelled and removed.
const someStore = store(storeId, initial=null)
- Gets the store with the specified id.
ActionStores are Svelte stores augmented with the following functions:
someStore.on(event, handler)
- Sets up an event handler for server-sent events
someStore.perform(action, ...arguments)
- Will call the equivalent perform_[action]
method on the subscribed model.
Adding has_actionstore
to your ActiveRecord model (or anything else that can be located via Global ID) will create the following instance methods and behavior
Pushing Data
- Append data to an array in the default store
- Updats fields of an object in the default store
record.push_update_by(key, value, changes)
- Updates fields of an object in the default store, identified by the specified key and value
record.push_append_into(store_name, data)
- Append data to an array in a specified store
record.push_update_into(store_name, changes)
- Update fields of an object in a specified store
record.push_update_by_into(store_name, key, value, changes)
- Update fields of an object in a specified store, identified by the specified key and value
Triggering events
record.push_event(event_name, data)
- Trigger an event on the default store
record.push_event_into(store_name, event_name, data)
- Trigger an event on a specified store
Any method on the object that starts with perform_
can potentially be called from the frontend. The first argument is always the channel that received the action (useful for authentication), followed by the arguments passed from the frontend.
Whenever a subscription is created or destroyed, the subscribed(channel)
or unsubscribed(channel)
method is called on the subject (if defined).