
arb -v
# => 1.2.0

arb --changelog
# V 1.2.0 : Bug fixes, refactoring and introduction of the new command-line-tool : `arb`
# V 1.1.0 : Introducing delegation for ActiveRecord::Base relation methods.
# V 1.0.1 : Minor fixes and Documentation creation.
# V 1.0.0 : Release

A Ruby library for an easier interfacing with ActiveRecord. And an easier way to create elegant migrations.


gem install active-record-binder

Why Binder ? What the frak is this ?

I needed a tool to ease the creation of little Plugs and Adapters for ActiveRecord.

The idea is that you Bind a class to ActiveRecord by subclassing it with Binder::AR. You can specify your own methods and delegate to ActiveRecord whenever you need.

It's kind of a Proxy on steroids, that will do a lot for you.

Show me !

You want to create a Plug for your sqlite database :

  class SqlitePlug < Binder::AR

Those lines will create a new MySqlPlug, and it will connect to the database specified by your ENV['APP_DB']. Also, the database adapter defaults to :sqlite3.

Now. All this is fine. But you want more :

  • You want to select a precise database without using ENV['APP_DB'];
  • Your application uses MySQL.
  class MySqlPlug < Binder::AR
    database :db
    adapter :mysql
    connect_with user: 'Foo', password: 'Bar', host: 'localhost'

As you can see : you can specify a database or an adapter by passing a Symbol or a String to both the

  • database() and the
  • adapter() methods.

The connect_with() method can be used to pass a Hash of options to the ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connexion() call.

Please notice that all your instances of MySqlPlug will use those values once defined this way.

How do we use this ?

  class MySqlPlug < Binder::AR
    database :db
    adapter :mysql
    connect_with user: 'Foo', password: 'Bar', host: 'localhost'

    def find args
      # But you could use a delegator
      table.find args

  # A Model
  class Foo
    def initialize
      # Will bind this instance of the MySqlPlug to the `foos` table
      @plug = :foo

    def find
      # But you could use a delegator

Note : You can use the table method on any instance of your Plug to get the table class (An ActiveRecord Class Object).

  @plug = :foo
  table = @plug.table
  # => MySqlPlug::Foo
  table.find # ActiveRecord method call.
  # => [<FooObject#1>, <FooObject#2, ...]

Notice how neatly namespaced is the ActiveRecord table class. This way we won't step over our Foo model.


If it pleases you, you can create your relations directly in the Binder class. Those methods call are delegated to the underlying table model when initiated.

  class FooBinder < Binder::AR
    has_one :bar
  class BarBinder < Binder::AR
    belongs_to :foo

  # And (if the table are accordingly populated, see "The Migration System", below) :
  foo = # => <BarObject>

Delegated methods are the following : has_many, has_one, has_and_belongs_to_many, belongs_to.

The Migration System

I've always found the ActiveRecord::Migration system a bit of a pain to use.

Therefore, I took the liberty of using pieces of _Why's Camping Web Framework's migration system. You can now create your migrations this way :

   class CreateFooTable < MySqlPlug::Version 1.0
     def self.up
       create_table :foos do |t|
         t.string :name

     def self.down
       drop_table :foos

   class CreateBarTable < MySqlPlug::Version 1.1
     def self.up
       create_table :bars do |t|
         t.string :title

     def self.down
       drop_table :bars

  # You can get the migration version for a pecular migration class.
  CreateFooTable.version # => 1.0
  CreateBarTable.version # => 1.1

Isn't it neat ?.

Now, boy : just use the migrate method to execute your migrations.

  # => 1.1

This executes everything up to the latest migration. But migrate() can also take a version number as an argument.

  MySqlPlug.migrate 0
  # => 0.0

This, will migrate everything down, reverting the changes as specified in each reverted migration self.down method.

  MySqlPlug.migrate 1.0
  # => 1.0

And finally, this will migrate up until it hits 1.0.

The Command Line Tool

Active Record Binder ships with a neat little CLI : arb

ARB is a small easily extandable Command Line Interface. And it's pretty. Beautiful colors everywhere. Awesome. Seriously. To use it :

$ arb version
# => Binder::AR::Version => 1.2.0

You can display the help using arb help or arb -h

But, the most intersting part of this CLI is the migrate command. You can easily run your migrations for a specific plug :

$ arb migrate --version 1.1 --directory migrations/ --adapter MySqlitePlug

Will migrate to 1.1, using the migrations found in the migrations/ directory and calling MySqlitePlug.migrate.

You can specify multiples options, and there is an alternative syntax :

# => You can specify multiple directories through `--directory` or `--d`
$ arb migrate -v 0 -d migrations/foo/ migrations/bar -a MySqlitePlug

# => You can load directories recursively with `-r` or `--recursive`
$ arb migrate -v 0 --recursive migrations/ --plug MySqlitePlug

# => You can can also load files using `-f` or `--file`
$ arb migrate -v 1.0 -f migrations/foo/create_foo_table.rb --adapter MySqlitePlug

Command Line Interface screenshot

Want to know more ?

Checkout the documentation ! Or dive in, the code is pretty straightforward and well documented. And there is a lot of tests.

Want to contribute ?

Please, do fork and pull request !

Road map:

  • Maybe create other Binder, like MongoDB, Datamapper, like Binder::Mongo, Binder::DataMapper. But the gem's name would have to change.