
The most fastest and efficient CSV import for Active Admin (based on activerecord-import gem) with support of validations and bulk inserts



# +back+:: resource action to redirect after processing
# +col_sep+:: column separator used for CSV parsing
# +validate+:: true|false, means perfoem validations or not
# +batch_size+:: integer value of max  record count inserted by 1 query/transaction
# +before_import+:: proc for before import action, hook called with  importer object
# +after_import+:: proc for after import action, hook called with  importer object
# +before_batch_import+:: proc for before each batch action, called with  importer object
# +after_batch_import+:: proc for after each batch action, called with  importer object
# +on_duplicate_key_update+:: an Array or Hash, tells activerecord-import to use MySQL's ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ability.
# +timestamps+::  true|false, tells activerecord-import to not add timestamps (if false) even if record timestamps is disabled in ActiveRecord::Base
# +ignore+::  true|false, tells activerecord-import toto use MySQL's INSERT IGNORE ability
# +params_keys+:: params values available in callbacks
# +template+:: custom template rendering
# +locals+:: local variables for template
# +resource_class+:: resource class name
# +resource_label+:: resource label value


ActiveAdmin.register Post  do
   active_admin_import :validate => false,
                        :col_sep => ',',
                        :back => :index ,
                        :before_import => proc{|importer|  resource.delete_all},
                        :batch_size => 1000
