ActiveDevice : Open Mobile Device Detector
Mobile and Devices User Agent Detector, For Mobile Handsets, Devices and Desktop Browsers. For Detect the Mobile and Recognize its Brand, Model, Engine, OS and Browser.
Install the gem from gemcutter:
sudo gem install active_device
You can also install this as a plugin:
script/plugin install git://
Add this one line to your Application controller.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include ActiveDevice
Once this is in place, any request that comes from a mobile device will be be set as :mobile format. It is up to you to determine how you want to handle these requests. It is also up to you to create the .mobile.erb versions of your views that are to be requested.
Then add the line below to config/initializers/mime_types.rb
Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :mobile
For Skiping setting the Format to :mobile Add this line to your Application Controller
skip_before_filter :set_mobile_format
Examples from ActiveDevice Helper Methods.
is_mobile_device? : Checking if the Request from Mobile Device
is_device? 'iphone'
is_brand? 'Nokia'
is_model? 'NokiaE72'
device_model : Return the Device Model if Mobile.
device_brand : Return the Device Brand if Mobile.
agent_engine : Reurn the Useragnet Engine.
agent_os : Return Useragent Device OS.
Send Feedback and questions to: sbertel at
More will Coming Soon, Wait for MobiThought
Copyright © 2009 Shenouda Bertel, MobiThought, released under the MIT license