active_record_to_excel is a litle tool for generate simple MS Excel reports based on the results returned from your ActiveRecord queries.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'active_record_to_excel'
Generating reports:
User.all.to_excel({ :name => 'Name', :email => 'Email' })
That line of code creates a report.xls file under the public folder of your rails app.
The keys on the hash are methods of you ActiveRecord object that returns the value required, the values are the labels of the columns on the Excel sheet.
You can pass optionally two arguments: :filename and :path
User.all.to_excel({ :name => 'Name', :email => 'Email', :path => '~/reports', :filename => 'users.xls' })
It will create a users.xls file in your $HOME/reports directory.
Copyright © 2011 Rubén Dávila