
ActiveadminDraggable is a items reordering add on to active_admin tables. With build in javascript and methods allows you to easily change your item index tables in active_admin into sortable tables. With one click you will be able to enter reorder mode and drag and drop items to desired position in the list. Asynchronous javascript will update their position for you.

Functionality was initialy created by @detomastah for one of our projects.


  • Install activeadmin_draggable

    Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

    gem 'activeadmin_draggable'

    And then execute:

    $ bundle

    Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install activeadmin_draggable

    Add to your application.js

    //= require activeadmin_draggable
  • Install acts_as_list

    acts_as_list adds lists functionality to your models basing on position column.

    Basic setup required for this gem to work is:

    Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

    gem 'acts_as_list'

    And then execute:

    $ bundle

    Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install acts_as_list


  • the list functionality

    First you need to add acts_as_list to resource you want to make sortable in active_admin.

    You can find details docs at: but for our purpouses you just need to:

    rails g migration AddPositionToResourceName position:integer
    rake db:migrate

    After that you can use acts_as_list method in the model:

    class SomeClass < ActiveRecord::Base
  • adding sortable_table in active_admin resource

    Suppose we want to make Post resource sortable

    Require ‘activeadmin_draggable’ on the top of your file.

    Add index action using newly added :sortable_table view

    ActiveAdmin.register Post do
      config.sort_order = "position_asc"
      index :as => :sortable_table do
        config.sort_order = "posts.position ASC"
        column :name
        column :position

    Add reorder action which is used to change position after droping item. First argument to +ActiveadminDraggable::DraggableListItem.move“ method is class name of resource

    collection_action :reorder, :method => :put do
      ActiveadminDraggable::DraggableListItem.move(Post, params[:id], params[:left_id])

    Add reorder button to index page

    action_item :only => :index do
      link_to 'Reorder mode', reorder_admin_posts_path, :class => "reorder", "data-on_text" => "Reorder mode", "data-off_text" => "Reorder mode off"

    Texts can be of course changed.

    * data-off_text for disabling reorder mode
    * data-on_text for enabling reorder mode


  1. Fork it

  2. Create your feature branch (‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`)

  3. Commit your changes (‘git commit -am ’Add some feature’‘)

  4. Push to the branch (‘git push origin my-new-feature`)

  5. Create new Pull Request