ActiveGrid is a gem to allow Rails apps to easily add data grids that can be sorted, paginated, filtered and styled.
Using the ActiveGrid gem consists of a few steps:
1) Add the following to your Gemfile and run "bundle":
gem "activegrid"
2) Setup your controller to have a collection of ActiveRecord objects. Something like this would be fine:
@models = Model.scoped.activegrid_filter_sort_paginate
3) In your view, add the activegrid helper
<%= activegrid @products, paginate: 10 do |grid, model| %>
<%= grid.column :name, filter: %W[Blah Gizmo Widget], sortable: true do %>
<%= link_to, product_path(model) %>
<% end %>
<%= grid.column :description, filter: "string", sortable: true do %>
<%= model.description %>
<% end %>
<% end %>