Class: ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealRabobankGateway

IdealBaseGateway show all
Defined in:


First, make sure you have everything setup correctly and all of your dependencies in place with:

require 'rubygems'
require 'active_merchant'

ActiveMerchant expects the amounts to be given as an Integer in cents. In this case, 10 EUR becomes 1000.

Configure the gateway using your iDEAL bank account info and security settings:

Create gateway:

gateway =
  :login    => '123456789', # merchant number
  :pem      => + '/config/ideal.pem'), # put certificate and PEM in this file
  :password => 'password' # password for the PEM key

Get list of issuers to fill selection list on your payment form:

response = gateway.issuers
list = response.issuer_list

Request transaction:

options = {
   :issuer_id         => '0001',
   :expiration_period => 'PT10M',
   :return_url        => 'http://www.return.url',
   :order_id          => '1234567890123456',
   :currency          => 'EUR',
   :description       => 'Een omschrijving',
   :entrance_code     => '1234'

response = gateway.setup_purchase(amount, options)
transaction_id = response.transaction['transactionID']
redirect_url = response.service_url

Mandatory status request will confirm transaction:

response = gateway.capture(transaction_id)

Implementation contains some simplifications

  • does not support multiple subID per merchant

  • language is fixed to ‘nl’

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from IdealBaseGateway

ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealBaseGateway::API_VERSION, ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealBaseGateway::AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealBaseGateway::LANGUAGE, ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealBaseGateway::SUB_ID

Constants inherited from Gateway


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from IdealBaseGateway


Attributes inherited from Gateway


Method Summary

Methods inherited from IdealBaseGateway

#capture, #initialize, #issuers, #setup_purchase, #test?

Methods inherited from Gateway

#card_brand, card_brand, inherited, #initialize, supports?, #test?

Methods included from Utils


Methods included from CreditCardFormatting


Methods included from RequiresParameters


Methods included from PostsData

included, #raw_ssl_request, #ssl_get, #ssl_post, #ssl_request

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from ActiveMerchant::Billing::IdealBaseGateway