Advantage ActiveRecord Driver

This is a Advantage driver for Ruby ActiveRecord. This driver requires the native Advantage Ruby driver. To get the native driver, use:

gem install advantage

This driver is designed for use with ActiveRecord 3.2.0 and greater.

This driver is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.

Making a Connection

The following code is a sample database configuration object.

ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = {
  'arunit' => {
    :adapter  => 'advantage',
    :database => 'c:\test\arunit.add',        #equivalent to the "Data Source" parameter
    :username => 'adssys',                    #equivalent to the "UserID" parameter
    :password => ''                           #equivalent to the "Password" parameter

Creating a new project. The following is based on the tutorial at

  1. Create the application:

    rails new blog
  2. Switch into the new application folder

    cd blog
  3. Create three databases. This can be done via ARC using SQL

    CREATE DATABASE "c:\blog\dbprod\blog_production.add";
    CREATE DATABASE "c:\blog\dbtest\blog_test.add";
    CREATE DATABASE "c:\blog\dbdev\blog_dev.add";
  4. Edit the file GemFile and add the activerecord-advantage-adapter gem ‘activerecord-advantage-adapter’

  5. Edit the config/database.yml file to match the following


adapter: advantage
database: c:/blog/dbdev/blog_dev.add
username: adssys

# Warning: The database defined as “test” will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run “rake”. # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. test:

adapter: advantage
database: c:/blog/dbtest/blog_test.add
username: adssys


adapter: advantage
database: c:/blog/dbprod/blog_production.add
username: adssys