
Simply conditions DSL for ActiveRecord. It helps using Arel Predications in the block.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activerecord-blockwhere'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install activerecord-blockwhere


# * person has many entries.
# Person(id: integer, name: string)
# Entry(id: integer, person_id: integer, name: string)

Person.where { id.eq(1) }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"  WHERE "people"."id" = 1

Person.where { !id.eq(1) }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"  WHERE (NOT ("people"."id" = 1))

Person.where { id.eq(1) & name.matches('%alice%') }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"  WHERE ("people"."id" = 1 AND "people"."name" LIKE '%alice%')

Person.where {[1,2,3]) & name.not_eq('bob') }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"  WHERE ("people"."id" IN (1, 2, 3) AND "people"."name" != 'bob')

Person.where { name.eq('alice') | name.eq('bob') }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"  WHERE (("people"."name" = 'alice' OR "people"."name" = 'bob'))

# join association
Person.where { name.eq('alice') &'%hello%') }.to_sql
# => SELECT "people".* FROM "people"
#    INNER JOIN "entries" ON "entries"."person_id" = "people"."id"
#    WHERE ("people"."name" = 'alice' AND "entries"."name" LIKE '%hello%')

# in action method
def index
  # you can use controller's method in the block. ex: params,request,etc..
  # but cannot use instance variables.
  @person = Person.where { id.eq(params[:id]) }.first

Introductory articles


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  5. Create new Pull Request