Activestorage Delayed

ActiveStorage in Rails 6 and 7 does not support to upload files in background which in most cases delays the submit process and then makes the visitor get bored or receive a timeout error.
This is a Ruby on Rails gem to upload activestorage files in background by saving them as base64 encoded in the database (important for apps hosted in kubernetes) and be processed later.


  • Upload files in background
  • Ability to add new files instead of replacing the old ones when using using has_many_attached
  • Ability to upload files with the original filename or a custom one
  • Ability to preprocess the files before uploading them (Rails 7+)
    Note: This gem assumes that the app has already configured activestorage.


  • Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ruby gem 'activestorage-delayed', '>= 0.1.3'
  • And then execute: bundle install
  • Generate the migration: rails g migration add_activestorage_delayed
  • Add the following content to the migration file: ruby create_table :activestorage_delayed_uploads do |t| t.references :uploadable, polymorphic: true, null: false t.string :attr_name, null: false t.string :deleted_ids, default: '' t.boolean :clean_before, default: false t.text :files t.timestamps end
  • Run the migration: rails db:migrate


  • Include ActivestorageDelayed::DelayedConcern
  • Add delayed_attach to the files you want to upload in background
  class User < ApplicationRecord
  include ActivestorageDelayed::DelayedConcern

  has_one_attached :photo, required: true, use_filename: true, variant_info: { resize_to_fit: [400, 400], convert: 'jpg' }
  delayed_attach :photo

  has_many_attached :certificates
  delayed_attach :certificates

delayed_attach accepts an optional hash with the following options:

  • required: If set to true, the photo or the photo_tmp will be required before saving.
  • use_filename: If set to true, the image filename will be used as the name of uploaded file instead of the hash-key used by activestorage
  • variant_info: (Hash) Variant information to be performed before uploading the file.

Examples to upload files in background

  • Upload a single file

    User.create(photo_tmp:'my_file.png')) # uploads the file in background
    User.create(photo:'my_file.png')) # uploads the file directly


    f.file_field :photo_tmp
  • Upload multiple files

    User.create(certificates_tmp: ['my_file.png'),'my_file.png')])


    = f.file_field :certificates_tmp, multiple: true
  • Deletes first 2 certificates and uploads a new one

    file_ids = User.first.certificates.limit(2).pluck(:id)
    User.first.update(certificates_tmp: { deleted_ids: file_ids, files: ['my_file.png')] })


    = file_field_tag 'user[certificates_tmp][files][]', multiple: true
    - user.certificates.each do |file|
      = image_tag(file)
      = check_box_tag 'user[certificates_tmp][deleted_ids][]', value:
  • Removes all certificates before uploading a new one

    User.first.update(certificates_tmp: { clean_before: true, files: ['my_file.png')] })
  • Upload files with custom names (requires use_filename: true): <attr_name>_filename

    class User < ApplicationRecord
    def photo_filename(filename)

    When <attr_name>_filename is defined, then it is called to fetch the uploaded file name.
    Note: Check this if you want to rename an already uploaded file (remote file)

  • Capture event when file upload has failed: <attr_name>_error_upload

    class User < ApplicationRecord
      # @param error [StandardError]
      # @param file_data [Hash<'filename'>]
      def photo_error_upload(error, file_data)
        puts "Failed uploading photo #{file_data['filename']}: #{error.message}"
  • Capture event when file has been uploaded: <attr_name>_after_upload

    class User < ApplicationRecord
      # @param file_data [Hash<'filename'>]
      def photo_after_upload(file_data)
        puts "Photo #{file_data['filename']} has been uploaded"
      def photo_after_upload_all
        puts "All photos have been uploaded"

<attr_name>_delayed_uploads is a has_many association that contains the list of scheduled uploads for the corresponding attribute.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

To ensure your contribution changes, run the tests with: docker-compose run test


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.