
acts-as-savable extends an ActiveRecord model so that it can read from a view, and save to a table.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'acts-as-savable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install acts-as-savable


Given tables named "things" and "thing_decorations", and a view named "decorated_things" that joins on the other two, you can declare a DecoratedThing class like this:

class DecoratedThing < ActiveRecord::Base
  saves_to :thing_decorations, :thing_id, :decoration

All the finders work as expected, but save, save!, update_attribute, update_attributes, and update_attributes! all create and/or update records in the "thing_decorations" table (in this case updating ony the :thing_id and :decoration columns).


This was extracted from an app, and is constrained by assumptions related to that app. It is very naive and not likely to solve all of your problems. If you have a problem that this almost solves, but not quite, please file an issue at and help me to make it more useful for a wider audience.