This plugin uses the semantics from ActsAsTaggableOn but uses Hstore to implement the tags. This limits this gem to Postgres databases.
It has a generator for adding the tag column to an existing table. Then you can include the acts_as_taggable_hstore method on the class and everything is added as you would expect.
Rails 3.x
To use it, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'acts-as-taggable-hstore' , '~> 0.0.2'
Post Installation
Each table needs to be modified in order for this to work. Run
rails generate acts_as_taggable_hstore:migration TABLENAME
rake db:migrate
Acts as Taggable Hstore uses Rspec tests. You can run the usual rake task to test it.
rake spec
First, run the migration for the particular table you want to be taggable. Then
class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
@video =
@video.tag_list = "starcraft 2, gameplay, mlg"
@video. # => ["starcraft 2", "gameplay", "mlg"]
Finding Tagged Objects
Acts as Taggable On uses scopes to create associations for tags. It should work with will_paginate as well:
Video.tagged_vith("starcraft 2")
#Find a video with all matching tags
Video.tagged_with(["starcraft 2","mlg"], :match_all => true)
#Find a video with any matching tags
Video.tagged_with(["starcraft 2","mlg"], :any => true)
#Find videos with no matching tags
Video.tagged_with(["starcraft 2","mlg"], :exclude => true)
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