
This plugin provides a simple way to track users favorites within the system using ActiveRecord models.


As we are not generating anything and there is no config, it is assumed in this version
that your user class is named "User", and you dont have an existing "Favorite" class.

Installation and Configuration

1) Install as a plugin using script/plugin. 2) Generate the Favorite model, migrations, and tests with

./script/generate favorite_model Favorite

3) rake migrate to create the required tables 4) add acts_as_favorite_user to your User model 5) add acts_as_favorite to any models which you want to provide to users for favorites.

The Specifics

Below are some specifics of using the plugin...

Setting and Using favorites

To Set: current_user.has_favorite(Blog.find(43))

To Test(returns true/false): current_user.has_favorite?(Blog.find(99)) current_user.has_favorite_venues?

To Find: current_user.all_favorites (all favorite referenced objects, blogs, etc) current_user.favorite_blogs (metaprogramming references Blog entries only) Blog.find(43).favoriting_users (returns users which have the specified blog set as a favorite)

Dynamic methods through the Identity mixin

The Identity mixin provides some dynamic methods for accessing favorite based information. You can replace ‘blahs’ with any model class that acts_as_favorite.

user.has_favorite_blahs? –> returns true/false if the user has any favorites within the Blah class. user.favorite_blahs –> returns an array of Blah’s that are set as the users favorites.


MIT License applies.


Josh Martin