

ActsAsTaggableSimple provides an acts_as style method to ActiveRecord::Base for taggable records. It also provides the following methods to a taggable model:

  • tag_list - returns an Array of tag String objects

  • tag_list= - takes either a String of tags or an array of tag String objects and sets the tags for the object


For Rails 3 applications you should add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'acts_as_taggable_simple'

Then run:

bundle install

You then need to run the migration generator to generate the necessary migration for acts_as_taggable_simple to work properly.

rails generate acts_as_taggable_simple:migration

Next, run the migration. NOTE: you cannot have a table named tags or taggings, as these names are used by acts_as_taggable_simple.

rake db:migrate

That’s it, you are ready to start using the gem.

Getting Started

This is a walkthrough for setting up and using a taggable model. We will be creating an application for taking notes that we want to tag for easy searching later on.

The first step is to make our ActiveRecord model taggable.

class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessible :content

We can then create a new note in the usual manner.

note = :content => "acts_as_taggable_simple is so simple!"

We can give the note tags.

note.tag_list = "rails tags gem"

We can also give the note tags by passing an Array of String’s.

note.tag_list = %w{rails tags gem}

We can retrieve an Array of tag String’s for our note.

note.tag_list  # returns ["rails", "tags", "gem"]

Note that our note will not be tagged until we save it.

Now when we retrieve our note from active record, it will retain the tags we have given it.

This is all we can do with this gem. Things like searching are left to the user or solutions like:

If you want to do cloud calculations on tags, this task is left to you.


class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessible :content
    acts_as_taggable :tag, :color

note =
note.tag_list = "new important"
note.color_list = "red blue purple"

note.tag_list    # returns ["new", "important"]
note.color_list  # returns ["red", "blue", "purple"]



class TaggableModel < ActiveRecord::Base

rails console

t = :tag_list => "rails css javascript"
t.tag_list # returns ["rails", "css", "javascript"]
t.tag_list = "rails html js"
t.tag_list # returns ["rails", "html", "js"]
# note that tag_list is updated immediately after setting
# it, while tags and taggings are only updated after
# saving the model


Many thank you’s to the creators of the acts-as-taggable-on gem, which if it was not obvious, this gem borrows quite heavily from. This gem is in fact meant to be a stripped down version of acts-as-taggable-on.

Copyright © 2011 Hollin R. Wilkins, released under the MIT license