
A gem that provides convenience methods for integration with the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) when using PRISM and Rayo. This gem is an Adhearsion plugin.


class MyCallController < Adhearsion::CallController
  include Adhearsion::IMS::CallControllerMethods

  def run
    # Complete the call as a B2BUA, must pass options returned
    ims_data = generate_ims_options :b2bua
    dial ims_data[:sip_uri], ims_data[:options]

    # Complete the call as an Out of the Blue (OOB)
    ims_data = generate_ims_options :out_of_the_blue
    dial ims_data[:sip_uri], ims_data[:options]


gem install adhearsion-ims


The configuration for this plugin should be included in the Adhearsion project within the file config/adhearsion.rb. The options available are:

config.adhearsion_ims.sbc_address              = "" #The Hostname or IP Address of the Session Border Gateway (SBG) of the IMS [OPTIONAL]
config.adhearsion_ims.cscf_address             = "" #The Hostname or IP Address of the Call Session Control Function (CSCF) of the IMS, can not be nil
config.adhearsion_ims.originating_ims_identity = ''  #Originating IMS Identity for an Out of the Blue session, can not be nil
config.adhearsion_ims.uvp_address              = '' #The Hostname or IP Address of the Universal Voice Platform (UVP) of the IMS
config.adhearsion_ims.exclude_routes           = ['foo'] #An array of routes to exclude from the route header, may match on partial strings