Ruby CalDAV library named "agcaldav"

agcaldav is a CalDAV library based on martinpovolny/ruby-caldav and 4fthawaiian/ruby-caldav and collectiveidea/caldav

Please keep in mind, agcaldav ist still under heavy development and still not finished...

Usage Events

First, you've to install the gem

gem install agcaldav

and require it

require "agcaldav"

Next you have to obtain the URI, username and password to a CalDAV-Server. If you don't have one try RADICALE ( It's small, simple and written in python. In the following steps I'm using the default params of Radical.

Now you can e.g. create a new AgCalDAV-Client:

cal = => "http://localhost:5232/user/calendar", :user => "user" , :password => "")

Alternatively, the proxy parameters can be specified:

cal = => "http://localhost:5232/user/calendar",:user => "user" , :password => "password", :proxy_uri => "")

Create an Event

result = cal.create_event(:start => "2012-12-29 10:00", :end => "2012-12-30 12:00", :title => "12345", :description => "12345 12345")

Analyze result:

>> result
=> #<Icalendar::Event:0x007ff653b47520 @name="VEVENT", @components={}, @properties={"sequence"=>0, "dtstamp"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-30T19:59:04+00:00 (26527957193/10800,0/1,2299161)>, "description"=>"sdkvjsdf sdkf sdkfj sdkf dsfj", "dtend"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-30T12:00:00+00:00 (2456292/1,0/1,2299161)>, "dtstart"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-29T10:00:00+00:00 (29475491/12,0/1,2299161)>, "summary"=>"12345", "uid"=>"e795c480-34e0-0130-7d1d-109add70606c", "x-radicale_name"=>"e795c480-34e0-0130-7d1d-109add70606c.ics"}> 

>> result.class
=> Icalendar::Event

get UID of this Event:

>> result.uid
=> "e795c480-34e0-0130-7d1d-109add70606c"

Find an Event (via UUID)

result = cal.find_event("e795c480-34e0-0130-7d1d-109add70606c")

>> result.class
=> Icalendar::Event

Find Events within time interval

result = cal.find_events(:start => "2012-10-01 08:00", :end => "2013-01-01")

>> result
=> [#<Icalendar::Event:0x007f8ad11cfdf0 @name="VEVENT", @components={}, @properties={"sequence"=>0, "dtstamp"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-31T13:44:10+00:00 (4244474429/1728,0/1,2299161)>, "description"=>"sdkvjsdf sdkf sdkfj sdkf dsfj", "dtend"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-30T12:00:00+00:00 (2456292/1,0/1,2299161)>, "dtstart"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-29T10:00:00+00:00 (29475491/12,0/1,2299161)>, "summary"=>"12345", "uid"=>"b2c45e20-3575-0130-7d2e-109add70606c", "x-radicale_name"=>"b2c45e20-3575-0130-7d2e-109add70606c.ics"}>, #<Icalendar::Event:0x007f8ad10d7dd0 @name="VEVENT", @components={}, @properties={"sequence"=>0, "dtstamp"=>#<DateTime: 2012-12-31T13:44:10+00:00 (4244474429/1728,0/1,2299161)>, "uid"=>"b2c45e20-3575-0130-7d2e-109add70606c", "x-radicale_name"=>"b2c45e20-3575-0130-7d2e-109add70606c.ics"}>]

>> result.class
=> Array

>> result.count
=> 2

Update Event

event = {:start => "2012-12-29 10:00", :end => "2012-12-30 12:00", :title => "12345", :description => "sdkvjsdf sdkf sdkfj sdkf dsfj"}
# set UUID 
event[:uid] => "e795c480-34e0-0130-7d1d-109add70606c"
c = cal.update_event(event)

Delete Event


Usage ToDo

not finished ATM

Have a look tomorrow...

Work to be done ...

  1. find and notify if overlapping events
  2. code cleanup -> more ActiveRecord style


agcaldav will use RSpec for its test coverage. Inside the gem directory, you can run the specs for RoR 3.x with:

rake spec (will be implemented in > v0.2.5)




Check all contributors

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_feature_branch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "bugfixed abc...")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_feature_branch)
  5. Open a Pull Request
  6. Enjoy a refreshing Club Mate and wait