Ruby client for the AllegroGraph RDF graph database
The agraph gem provides a client for the RESTful interface of AllegroGraph RDF graph database version 4.x. This document should give you overview, how the client can be used. To get familiar with the database server, this documentation is strongly recommended.
The features that are exposed by this client are…
simple repository management
add / remove statements (aka triples) to / from the store
searching for statements by subject, predicate or object (or any combination of them)
searching for statements by geo-spatial queries
performing SparQL and Prolog queries
mapping of data type
<img src=“” />
There are no special dependencies. Just type
gem install agraph
Repository management
A repository can be created by simply typing the following.
require 'allegro_graph'
server = :username => "user", :password => "pass"
repository = server, "test_repository"
The code will try to connect to a AllegroGraph server running at localhost:10035
with the credentials user
and pass
, and creates a repository named test_repository
if it’s not already existing.
Adding and Removing triples
Once a repository is created, statements can be added.
repository.statements.create "<a_subject>", "<a_predicate>", "<an_object>", "<context>"
The last argument is optional and defines a context for the given triple. This context can be used to define named graphs inside the repository.
To delete statements, matching options can be passed to the delete method.
repository.statements.delete :predicate => "<a_predicate>"
This will delete all statements with the predicate <a_predicate>
Searching for statements
The find
method provides an easy way to find specified statements.
repository.statements.find :subject => "<a_subject>"
The result will be an array that holds arrays of all matching statements.
[ "<a_subject>", "<a_predicate>", "<a_object>" ],
[ "<a_subject>", "<another_predicate>", "<another_object>" ]
Searching for statements by geo-spatial queries
Adding coordinates to the database
Before coordinates can be added, a fitting type has to be requested from the database. Coordinates can have the cartesian (x and y) or spherical (latitude and longitude) type. When creating the type, also a range has to be defined.
cartesian_type = repository.geometric.cartesian_type :strip_width => 1,
:x_min => 0,
:y_min => 0,
:x_max => 100,
:y_max => 100
The first argument specifies the strip width and the last four the top-left and bottom-right corner of the rectangle that represent the boundaries for any coordinate.
Afterwards, the return type can be used add geometric nodes (subjects or objects) to the database.
repository.statements.create "<a_subject>", "<a_predicate>", "\"+20+20\"^^#{cartesian_type}"
Finding statements by geo-spatial queries
To find statements by thier assigned coordinates, the following methods are provided.
The previously create statement will be returned by
repository.statements.find_inside_box :type => cartesian_type,
:predicate => "<a_predicate>",
:x_min => 10,
:y_min => 10,
:x_max => 30,
:y_max => 30
agraph also allows you to perform transaction. All operations performed within a transaction will committed at once. If an error occurs during the transaction, all operations will be rolled back.
repository.transaction do
statements.create "<a_subject>", "<a_predicate>", "<an_object>"
statements.create "<a_subject>", "<a_predicate>", "<another_object>"
# ... if an error is raised here, no operation will be committed
# ... if no error has occured, all operations will be committed
SparQL and Prolog queries
The perform a SparQL or Prolog query, simply set the language that the query is written in and pass the query string to the following method.
repository.query.language = :sparql
repository.query.perform "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }"
At the moment only :sparql
and :prolog
queries are supported.
The result will look like this.
{ "names" => [ "s" ], "values" => [ [ "<a_subject>" ], [ "<another_subject>" ] ] }
Mapping of data types
To add and remove mapping between types and it’s encodings, the following methods can be used.
repository.mapping.create "<time>", "<>"
repository.mapping.delete "<time>"
With such a type defined, it’s possible to perform range queries like
repository.statements.create "<event_one>", "<occurs>", "\"2010-03-29T11:40:00\"^^<time>"
repository.statements.create "<event_two>", "<occurs>", "\"2010-03-29T17:40:00\"^^<time>"
repository.statements.find :predicate => "<occurs>", :object => [ "\"2010-03-29T11:00:00\"^^<time>", "\"2010-03-29T12:00:00\"^^<time>" ]
Only the second event would be returned.
More Examples
More examples can be found in the integration specs (spec/integration)
Any contribution - especially bug reports - is welcome.
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