Confident is a Rails gem-plugin which handles user confidentiality agreements. It prevents access to resources without a signed confidentiality agreement and provides an interface to sign said agreement.
### Configuration
To configure Confident create an initializer in initializers/confident.rb.
Confident.configure{ :conf_model => Signature,
:conf_file => “../../agreement.txt”,
:conf_host_hook => {|env| env['aker.check']}
The class passed as conf_model must be respond to signed? and sign methods which take a Aker::User as arguments. The conf_file option is a path to the file containing the desired text for the confidentiality agreement. The conf_host_hook option is an object which responds to call and receives the rack env. The hook determines whether confident will be active or not on a request.
### Running Tests
The tests which do not require a full Rails application are in the top level of the spec/ directory. Within integration are specs requiring a Rails application.
In order to set up the testbed application and run Rails integration tests:
rake -f init_testbed.rakefile
cd testbed
rake spec