by Lee Marlow


Gemedit lets you quickly open up the source for a gem in your favorite editor.

Looking through other people's code is a great way to learn. I often use it when a gem's RDoc isn't as helpful as I'd like or just want to see how someone put a library together. Gemedit just makes it easier to get to the code.


Gemedit can be installed via RubyGems:

$ sudo gem install gemedit

If you would like some basic command completion for installed gems add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile:

complete -C "/usr/bin/gemedit --complete" gemedit


If you want to see how gemedit works just install it and run this:
$ gemedit gemedit

Gemedit tries to use your favorite editor from your <tt>$VISUAL</tt> or <tt>$EDITOR</tt> environment variable. It will fall back to <em>everyone's</em> favorite editor: *vi*. You can specify the editor with the <tt>-e/--editor</tt> switch. Run this to view the source for +rake+ in TextMate[]:
$ gemedit -e mate rake

And of course, help is available:
$ gemedit -h
$ gemedit --help


There isn't much more to document than what is on this page, but feel free to browse the RDoc[]. Or checkout the Rubyforge project page here[].


The source is currently on github[]. You can browse through it at or pull it down and play with it yourself with

$ git clone git://