= amazon-fps ($Revision$)

* http://code.google.com/p/amazon-fps-ruby


Provides a simple wrapper around the Amazon FPS SOAP web service.


Supports all features in the WSDL from Amazon:



@credentials = {
'AWSAccessKeyId' => 'abc123'

@options = {
# NOTE: change this to your cert subject as per
# `openssl x509 -in aws.cer -subject`
:subject => '/C=US/O=Amazon.com/OU=AWS-Developers/CN=bogus'

@fps = AmazonFPS.new(@credentials, @options)

res = @fps.getAccountBalance(AmazonFPS::GetAccountBalanceRequest.new)

== Documentation

Looking at the RDoc documentation is always a good idea, run rdoc in the root
directory to generate the automatic documentation.

Looking at the tests in the /tests directory is probably another great
place to start to figure out how to use the library.