
Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for break, require, and provides commands (and does a teensy bit of code analyzing - it will detect VERY basic class and module declarations) to make your RubyMotion Rakefile and debugger_cmds files short and consistent.

CAUTION: It overwrites the debugger_cmds file!

To use, include this gem (gem 'analizaruptor'), and add app.analyze to your Rakefile, after you have added your libraries and whatnot. It looks at app.files and scans those files, so I mean it when I say "after you have added your libraries and whatnot". In your source code you can add Analizaruptor commands

# @provides Foo
# @requires Bar
# older syntax:
#--> provides Foo
#--> requires Bar
def scary_method
#-----> break

And those will be translated into directives for app.files_dependencies and debugger_cmds.

Run rake or rake debug=1, and off you go!

The syntax for a command is:

^#[ \t]*@(provides|requires)
^#--+> *(break|require|provides)( *(\w+|[0-9]+))?$

If a line number is given to the break command, a breakpoint will be added at that line, otherwise it will be added to the line below break. It's better to insert the #--> break where you NEED it, rather than hardcode line numbers. Line numbers are not constant.