CI jobs to tag projects in code tools

Adds jobs for cortex, mend and sonarqube to the pipelines, the jobs add the gitlab url of the hosting repository as a project tag on Mend, a project link in Sonarqube or open-api info in Cortex so that reporting can correlate tools by use of the gitlab url as the key.

Use jobs in your pipelines

Add the following lines to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

include: # add to your includes
  - project: j.rivera/api-tools
    file: gitlab-ci-includes.yml
    ref: 53444d03851ffed62f457b8ad2aa6950f894d3aa

  - code_tools # add to your stages

That will add under the stage code_tools the jobs for Cortex (cortex_project), Mend (mend_project) and Sonarqube (sonarqube_project) to decorate those tools' projects with the url of the gitlab repository.

Next add environment variables needed by the jobs. Ask for help on it on slack channel #bet-tribe-odds-devops:

  • APICLIENTS_TOKEN a gitlab access token for the repository Api Clients
  • CORTEX_API_KEY Cortex API key
  • MEND_ORG_TOKEN Mend organization token. Defaults to value of variable WHITESOURCE_ORG_TOKEN
  • MEND_PRODUCT Mend product name. Defaults to value of WHITESOURCE_PRODUCT
  • MEND_PROJECT Mend project name. Defaults to value of WHITESOURCE_PROJECT_NAME
  • MEND_USER_KEY Mend user key. Defaults to value of WHITESOURCE_USER_KEY
  • SQ_PROJECT Sonarqube project key. Defaults to value of SONAR_PROJECT_KEY
  • SQ_TOKEN Sonarqube token
  • SQ_USER Sonarqube user

Adjust jobs to your pipeline

To override the jobs declare them in your .gitlab-ci.yml, in the examples below other variables' values are passed to the jobs:

  extends: .cortex-project-decoration

  extends: .mend-project-decoration

  extends: .sq-project-decoration

Ruby gem installation

Install the ruby gem with:

$ gem install api-clients

Or add to your application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add api-clients
$ bundle install

Or install it from code, for that read below.

Ruby code usage

To play with the ruby code first install the gem.

For Cortex

To use cortex:

$ bundle exec bin/console

irb > cortex = gitlab_url: ""

irb > cortex.update_service!
=> nil

irb > cortex.service_info
   "description"=>"Test service for Odds devops tasks",


To use Mend:

export MEND_ORG_TOKEN=...
export MEND_USER_KEY=...

$ bundle exec bin/console

irb > mend = gitlab_url: "", product: "devops", project: "jrivera_my-test-service"

irb(main):010:0> mend.tag_project!

irb > mend.project_tags


To use Sonarqube:

export SQ_TOKEN=...
export SQ_USER=...

$ bundle exec bin/console

irb > sq = gitlab_url: "", project: "jrivera_my-test-service"

irb > sq.link_project!
=> nil

irb > sq.project
=> "jrivera_my-test-service"

irb(main):005:0> sq.project_links


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bundle exec bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

TODO test instructions To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to

Update ruby code in directory lib/api/, in file lib/api/clients/version.rb increase version (0.0.1 in the example), then build it with:

gem build api-clients.gemspec

Install it locally to test:

sudo gem install --local api-clients-0.0.1.gem

Push it to rubygems for usage in pipelines:

gem push api-clients-0.0.1.gem

Tag the version:

git tag 0.0.1
git push --tags

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/api-clients.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](