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This gem builds the basics for presenting your data using the media type described in the api doc. Here you will find classes to represent your resources and also the functions to convert them to a ruby hash. It's your decision how to export them.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'api-presenter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install api-presenter


So, first you should now that there are three kinds of resources:

  • A simple resource (Api::Presenter::Resource) that represents a single unit of information.
  • A collection resource (Api::Presenter::CollectionResource) that represents an homogeneous group of resources.
  • A search resource (Api::Presenter::SearchResource) it's like a collection resource but adds the query information.

Simple Resource

Now, most probably you are needing to represent some class that contains your model information using the media type described by api-doc. For this you will be needing two things:

  1. Create a class that represents your resource.
  2. Let your model class know how to turn into a resource.

Let's say you have a Person model:

class Person
  attr_accessor :name, :age

  def initialize(name, age)
    @name = name
    @age = age

In order to be able to represent this resource we need to have a PersonResource class

class PersonResource < Api::Presenter::Resource

  property :name
  property :age

  link "self", "/person/{{name}}"

We should use the property method to define each of our resource properties.

The link method defines there is a "self" link which represents itself. It receives, the name of the link, the url representing it and optionally a block, that may receive a hash with options and should return a boolean.

The stubs that look like {{method_name}} will be latter replaced with a method call to method_name on the resource.

So now there is only one more thing left to do: Add the to_resource method used to convert the model into a resource.

class Person
  def to_resource

And that's it, now we can get the representation in a hash using.

data = Person.new("Alvaro", 27)

resource = data.to_resource # or just PersonResource.new(data)

resource.present # or Api::Presenter::Hypermedia.present resource

It will look like this:

      "href": "/person/Alvaro"
  "name": "Alvaro",
  "age": 27

It's very common that our model is related to others, and we may want to show this in our representation. To do so, need to create a resource class for each one and add them as a new property.

Using the example above, now our person has a dog. So:

class DogResource < Api::Presenter::Resource
  property :name
  property :owner

  link "self", "/dog/{{name}}"

class Dog
  attr_accessor :name, :owner

  def initialize(name, owner)
    @name = name
    @owner = owner

  def to_resource

class PersonResource < Api::Presenter::Resource
  property :name
  property :age
  property :dog

Finally we present it:

person = Person.new("Alvaro", 27)

dog = Dog.new("Cleo", person)

person_resource = person.to_resource # or just PersonResource.new(person)

person_resource.present # Api::Presenter::Hypermedia.present person_resource

It will look like this:

      "href": "/person/Alvaro"
      "href": "/dog/Cleo"
  "name": "Alvaro",
  "age": 27

Collection resource

A collection resource it's basically any collection that contains objects that responds to to_resource, also must respond to:

  • total
  • offset
  • limit
  • each

Now, using the Person example:

# building a collection on top of array that responds to each, total, limit and offset
class Collection
  attr_reader :col

  def initialize(col = [])
    @col = col

  def each(&block)

  def total

  def limit

  def offset

family = Collection.new([Person.new("Joe", 50), Person.new("Jane", 45), Person.new("Timmy", 10), Person.new("Sussie", 12)])

class FamilyResource < Api::Presenter::CollectionResource
  def self_link

Api::Presenter::Hypermedia.present FamilyResource.new(family)

It will look like this:

      "href": "/family"
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "total": 4,
        "href" : "/person/Joe"
        "href" : "/person/Jane"
        "href" : "/person/Timmy"
        "href" : "/person/Sussie"

Search resource

This is a special case of Api::Presenter::CollectionResource where it also has a query string and parameters. The main difference with a Collection is that it receives as a parameter, the parameters which where used to build the collection and also adds them to the response.

The method self.hypermedia_query_parameters determins which parameters are used in the search. It's later used to build the query string for the url.

class PersonSearchResource < Api::Presenter::SearchResource
  def self.hypermedia_query_parameters
    ["name", "age"]

  link "self", "/search_person"

search = PersonSearchResource.new(Collection.new([Person.new("Joe", 50), Person.new("Jane", 45)]), age: 45)

Api::Presenter::Hypermedia.present search

It will look like this:

      "href": "/search_person?query[age]=45query[name]="
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "total": 2,
    "age": 45,
    "name": nil
        "href" : "/person/Joe"
        "href" : "/person/Jane"

When building a resource there may be the need to build custom links. In order to do so, can use the link class method:

link("custom", "/path/to/custom_link") { |options = {}| a_condition_that_determins_if_it_should_be_displayed returning true or false }

You can also use special stubs (enclosed with {{method_name}} ) that will latter be resolved in call to the resource, like this:

link("custom", "/path/to/custom_link/{{method_call}}") { |options = {}| a_condition_that_determins_if_it_should_be_displayed returning true or false }

If you want to use full links and not parcial, you can say:

Api::Presenter::Resource.host = "http://you.domain.goes.here:port"

Now links will be display like this:

      "href": "http://you.domain.goes.here:port/search_person?query[age]=45query[name]="
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "total": 2,
    "age": 45,
    "name": nil
        "href" : "http://you.domain.goes.here:port/person/Joe"
        "href" : "http://you.domain.goes.here:port/person/Jane"


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request