API Canon

Because API documentation should show you, not tell you.

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API Canon is a tool for programatically documenting Ruby on Rails APIs with example usage. It supports Rails 2 (see the Rails2 branch, api_canon versions less than 0.4), 3 and 4. You can see a real live example at http://www.westfield.com.au/api/product/latest/categories

As of 0.4.1, api_canon now supports https://developers.helloreverb.com/swagger/ json output, but only supports Rails 3+.

Installation and usage

If you’re using bundler, then put this in your Gemfile:

ruby gem 'api_canon' Add this to your routes.rb file:

ruby ApiCanon::Routes.draw(self) # Or 'map' instead of 'self' for Rails 2 Then, in each controller you want to document, add the line:

ruby include ApiCanon

… which allows you to describe what all the actions in the controller are concerned about like this:

ruby document_controller :as => 'optional_rename' do link_path '/foo' #Optionally override the sidebar link. describe %Q{The actions here are awesome, they allow you to get a list of awesome things, and make awesome things, too!} end

That is optional, but recommended, as it gives context to users of your API.

More usefully you can document all the actions you want like this:

ruby document_method :index do param :category_codes, :type => :array, :multiple => true, :example_values => Category.limit(5).pluck(:code), :description => "Return only categories for the given category codes", :default => 'some-awesome-category-code' end

To view the api documentation, visit the documented controller’s index action with ‘.html’ as the format.


Standard Rails actions

If you have an index action, you should render api_canon documentation when params[:format] is html. For example:

```ruby class CategoriesController < ApplicationController include ApiCanon

document_method :index do describe “This gives you a bunch of categories.” param :node, :type => :string, :default => ‘womens-fashion’, :values => [‘womens-fashion’, ‘mens-fashion’], :description => “Category code to start with” param :depth, :type => :integer, :values => 1..4, :default => 1, :description => “Maximum depth to include child categories” end def index # Do stuff. respond_to do |format| format.html { render :layout => ‘api_canon’} # Defaults to api_canon index format.json { render :json => @some_list_of_objects } end end end ```

Using inherited_resources

It’s a little easier with InheritedResources. Simply include ApiCanon after you call inherit_resources. It will create an index action that renders the documentation if params[:format] is blank or :html, and defaults back to the inherited_resources index action otherwise.

```ruby class FunkyCategoriesController < ApplicationController inherit_resources respond_to :json, :xml actions :index, :show

include ApiCanon

document_controller :as => ‘Categories’ do describe %Qare used for filtering products. They are hierarchical, with 4 levels. Examples include “Women’s Fashion”, “Shirts” and so forth. They are uniquely identifiable by their category_code field. end

document_method :index do describe %Qaction returns a filtered tree of categories based on the parameters given in the request. param :hierarchy_level, :values => 1..4, :type => :integer, :default => 1, :description => “Maximum depth to include child categories” param :category_codes, :type => :array, :multiple => true, :example_values => Category.limit(5).pluck(:code), :description => “Return only categories for the given category codes”, :default => ‘mens-fashion-accessories’ end

document_method :show do describe %Qaction returns a tree of categories starting at the requested root node. param :id, :type => :string, :default => ‘mens-fashion-accessories’, :example_values => Category.limit(5).pluck(:code), :description => “Category code to show, the root node for the entire tree.” end

#… code to support the above documented parameters etc. end ```

Going forward

Right now, api_canon is changing a lot. I plan to support the following features soon:

  1. Response codes - describe what you mean when you send back a 200, a 201, 403 etc.
  2. Support API tokens or other authentication to allow users to edit data live, with non-GET requests.
  3. You will need to route the index action for each documented controller until such point as I provide an alternative means of getting at this documentation.



  1. Fork project
  2. Write tests, or even code as well
  3. Pull request
  4. ???
  5. Profit.
