Generates on fly and serves RDoc documentation out of your controllers actions.

Implemented as rails engine


Apidocs works with Rails 3.2 onwards. You can add it to your Gemfile with:

gem 'apidocs'

Run the bundle command to install it.

Add mount Apidocs::Engine => "/apidocs" to your applications routes.rb


For better safety, in configuration file there is a MD5 hash of password used instead of actual password. To generate it for your configuration use Digest::MD5.hexdigest(‘YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE’). It can be done in irb after requiring ‘digest/md5’.

Apidocs.configure  do |config|
  config.regex_filter = /\A\/api/ # filter routes
  config.http_username = 'admin'  # optional http basic authorization 
  config.http_password = '5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69' # md5 hash for password
  config.app_name = 'Test APP' # application name