appium_thor Gem VersionDependency Status

Appium Thor helpers for appium's gems (appium_lib, appium_capybara).


Example configuration

Appium::Thor::Config.set do
  gem_name     'appium_thor'
  github_owner 'appium'
  github_name  'appium_thor'
  version_file 'lib/appium_thor/version.rb'
  docs_block do
    run 'docs/', globs('/lib/appium_thor/helpers.rb')


Option Default
gem_name must be provided
github_owner appium
github_name #{gem_name}
version_file lib/#{gem_name}/version.rb
docs_block no docs are generated


Available tasks

Note to see gem warnings, run gem build your_gem_name.gemspec

thor build          # Build a new gem
thor bump           # Bump the z version number and update the date.
thor bumpx          # Bump the x version number, set y & z to zero, update the date.
thor bumpy          # Bump the y version number, set z to zero, update the date.
thor byte           # Remove non-ascii bytes from all *.rb files in the current dir
thor docs           # Update android and iOS docs
thor gem_install    # Install gem
thor gem_uninstall  # Uninstall gem
thor info           # prints config info for this gem
thor notes          # Update release notes
thor publish        # Build and release a new gem to
thor release        # Build and release a new gem to (same as publish)



The docs_block method runs within the docs.rb context. Here's a more complex example:

common_globs  = '/lib/appium_lib/*.rb', '/lib/appium_lib/device/*.rb', '/lib/appium_lib/common/**/*.rb'
android_globs = common_globs + ['/lib/appium_lib/android/**/*.rb']
ios_globs     = common_globs + ['/lib/appium_lib/ios/**/*.rb']

run 'docs/', globs(android_globs)

run 'docs/', globs(ios_globs)