AppYantra Admin

Rails 3 engine for managing an app's assets, users, pages, blog, SEO and Social Media Integration.


Rails 3.1 or later.

Getting started

Add this to your GEMFILE:

gem 'appyantra_admin'

Run the install generator

rails generate appyantra_admin:install

Add this to your Rakefile

# required to skip certain initializers
AppyantraAdmin.rake_running = true

Run the admin migrations

rake db:migrate

Add the list of models that you want to manage through AppYantraAdmin as assets:

# config/initializers/appyantra_admin.rb
AppyantraAdmin.setup do |config|
  # specify the model names that can be managed as assets from the Admin dashboard
  config.assets = [ 'Model1', 'Model2' ]

Create an Admin user:

rake appyantra_admin:create_admin email='[email protected]' first_name='Speedy' last_name='Gonzalves'

Create basic application settings by running:

rake appyantra_admin:setup_admin

Setup Google Analytics by running:

rake appyantra_admin:setup_google_analytics tracking_code='YOUR_TRACKING_CODE' domain='DOMAIN'

If you want to use the default theme for your website then delete the application layout file from your layouts.

Don't forget to delete public/index.html

Now start your Rails server and hit the root url!

Using a Rich Text Editor for text_area input type

AppYantra Admin currently supports CKEditor. If you want to use CKEditor for editing the content of pages then use the following rake task:

rake appyantra_admin:use_rich_text_editor

This task adds a setting for Rich Text Editor and defaults it to CKEditor.

Next, you need to copy the ckeditor directory to "app/assets/javascripts"


Project Info

AppYantra Admin has been created by Govind Naroji with contributions from Gautam Naroji.

It is maintained by AppYantra

For the Admin UI it uses the free HTML5 Admin Template taken from MediaLoot.

For the Default Website, it uses the free HTML theme Aurelius taken from CSS Templates.


MIT License. Copyright 2012 AppYantra.