
Appygram is a simple service to handle messages from your web or mobile app. This gem provides communication with the Appygram service via a simple API. Useful features higher in the stack are found in gems that depend on this one, e.g. appygram-rails, which automatically turns uncaught Rails exceptions into traces.


  1. Add gem entry to Gemfile

    gem 'appygram'
  2. Run bundle install

  3. Configure your API Key in an initializer, e.g. config/appygram.rb

    Appygram.configure :api_key => 'your_api_key'

    using a valid API key for your app provided by Appygram


require 'appygram'

# Sending an appygram
Appygram.send :topic => 'Test', :message => 'This is a test.'

# Sending a trace
Appygram.trace some_exception

# Sending a trace with accompanying appygram fields
Appygram.trace some_exception, :email => 'some_user@domain'

Supported fields in an appygram

  • topic - of principal importance in message routing
  • subject
  • message
  • name
  • email
  • phone
  • platform ('web' by default for this connector)
  • software ('appygram.rb [VERSION]' by default for this connector)
  • app_json - Any object assigned to this field will be serialized into JSON. If it is a hash, top level keys will be addressable in the message routing and formatting.


  • Traces send the current stack trace from your application.
  • Appygram deduplicates traces and treats them statistically; traces are converted to notifications based on rules agreed by the system and the user.
  • If you send fields (like "name" and "email") along with the trace, Appygram can put that information into notifications. For example, if you generate a trace because of an unexpected exception, and you include the contact information for the logged-in user who experienced the exception, responders can more easily identify and communicate with the affected user about what might have led to the exception.

Additional configuration options

You can call Appygram.configure multiple times safely, or pack all the options you need into one call.

To minimize network bandwidth in the event that your app generates a LOT of traces, you can throttle the trace sender when you configure Appygram. You can throttle all traces on a per-second basis, or duplicate traces per day.

Appygram.configure :max_traces_per_second => 3
# and/or
Appygram.configure :max_duplicate_traces_per_day => 1

You can set defaults for the platform or software at configuration time.

Appygram.configure :platform => 'Ruboto'
# and/or
Appygram.configure :software => 'awesomesauce'

The standard endpoints for Appygram are built in. If you need to change them, you can configure :appygram_endpoint and :trace_endpoint to the full URL destination where data is to be sent.

If you send traces, you can provide a map of uri stubs to paths within your application. Appygram will use these to hyperlink the traces to the appropriate repository online. This map may be also populated by higher level gems, like appygram_rails; anything you supply here will be additively merged.

Appygram.add_trace_uris 'lib' => ''

Troubleshooting SSL

The default production endpoint,, requires SNI (Server Name Indication) support for SSL. This is not present in older versions of OpenSSL and/or Ruby, and may be buggy on some platforms. An alternate non-SNI SSL endpoint is at You can, but almost certainly should not, send messages over plain HTTP without SSL.

Rules for improvement

  • This gem must not have other dependencies.
  • This gem may take advantage of other gems (e.g. async i/o, background queueing, http pooling) if detected, and the advantage is related directly to communication with the service
  • Effort should be made to retain parity with other fully supported connectors

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