Aptible CLI

Gem Version Build Status Dependency Status

Command-line interface for Aptible services.


Add the following line to your application's Gemfile.

gem 'aptible-cli'

And then run bundle install.

NOTE: To install the aptible tool as a system-level binary, consider using the aptible-toolbelt gem, which is performance-optimized through dependency pinning.


From aptible help:

  aptible apps                  # List all applications
  aptible apps:create HANDLE    # Create a new application
  aptible config                # Print an app's current configuration
  aptible config:add            # Add an ENV variable to an app
  aptible config:rm             # Remove an ENV variable from an app
  aptible config:set            # Alias for config:add
  aptible config:unset          # Alias for config:rm
  aptible db:clone SOURCE DEST  # Clone a database to create a new one
  aptible db:create HANDLE      # Create a new database
  aptible db:dump HANDLE        # Dump a remote database to file
  aptible db:tunnel HANDLE      # Create a local tunnel to a database
  aptible login                 # Log in to Aptible
  aptible rebuild               # Rebuild an app, and restart its services
  aptible restart               # Restart all services associated with an app
  aptible ssh [COMMAND]         # Run a command against an app
  aptible version               # Print Aptible CLI version


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Commit your changes, with specs.
  3. Ensure that your code passes specs (rake spec) and meets Aptible's Ruby style guide (rake rubocop).
  4. If you add a command, update this README with the output of aptible help | grep -v help.
  5. Create a new pull request on GitHub.

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2013 Aptible, Frank Macreery, and contributors.