Arcadia Ruby Ide

version 0.8.0

by Antonio Galeone on Dec 11, 2009


Arcadia is a Light Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Ruby language written in Ruby using the classic tcl/tk GUI toolkit.

Some of Arcadia ruby ide project features include:

  • Editor with source browsing, syntax highlighting, code completion

  • Debugging support

  • Working on any platform where ruby and tcl-tk work.

  • Highly extensibility architecture.

In this release 0.8.0

New extensions

ack in files:

- similar to "search in files" using ack utility

commons: - porting ruby 1.9 - bug-fixing core: - remenber window size/position, show/hide toolbar preferences and layout from previous run

editor: - remember the last file your were editing, with editing location, on startup - added new hightlight engine based on coderay, others kind of file are now supported (erb,rhtml,java) - added auto completion of current word based on words within the current window also; then added escape key short cut. - added outline syncronization


- rubygems
- ruby-tk
- tcl/tk
- ack
- gem coderay
- gem ruby-debug (ruby-debug19 on ruby 1.9)
- gem whichr
- gem win32-process (only on windows)
- gem ruby-wmi (only on windows)

How to install

There are two way:

  1. exec as root on command line “gem install arcadia” or as user “sudo gem install arcadia”

  2. using archive distribution

    1. untar (on unix) (tar -xzf) arcadia-<version>.tar.gz

    2. unzip (on windows) arcadia-<version>.zip

How to run

  • exec on command line “ruby <path/>arcadia”

Short User guide

Application layout is splitted in vertical and horizontal resizing frames. On vertical and horizontal splitter appear two button for left or right one shot frame close. Every frame has a title, a button to expand or resizing it and a menu-button for the dynamic layout functions.

Main Toolbar

The toolbar button are in order:

  • new, open, save (relatively to edit operation)

  • run current, run last (for execute the raised file in the editor or the last runned file)

  • debug current, debug last, quit debug panel (for debug need)

  • show rad palette (for tk rad need)

  • quit (to exit from arcadia)


Editor use the notebook metaphor. Same command are on the popup menu that is raised on “Button-3” click event fundamentally for closing the tab under the mouse pointer. These are same editor short-cut:

  • Ctrl-c => copy selected text

  • Ctrl-v => paste copied text

  • Ctrl-x => cut selected text

  • Ctrl-g => show go to line dialog

  • Ctrl-o => shoe open file dialog

  • Ctrl-z => undo

  • Ctrl-f => copy the selected text on input combobox of find dialog and moves focus

  • Ctrl-s => save

  • Ctrl-space or esc => completion code

  • Ctrl-shift-i => indent the selected block

  • Ctrl-shift-u => unindent the selected block

  • Ctrl-shift-c => comment/uncomment the selected code block

  • F5 => execute the file

  • F3 => find/ find next

  • Double-Click on line number set or unset a debug breakpoint

Project drawer

It is a navigational tree:

  • open or create dir as project

  • make commons file system activity (by contextual menu)

File history

The last used files are organizing in tree so you can reopen them or there

directory by clicking on the tree node.

Rad Palette (instable)

It contain the wrapper components for the tk gui building. It is in very unstabled and incomplete state. The first component is a TkTopLevel wrapper, when you click on it a new form is created and a Object inspector appears. The other components must be first selected and then created by clicking on container widget. The so created widgets has a popup menu for deleting them or in the toplevel case to switch to a code view. On the palette there are also two button, one for deselect and other for copy from the selected created widget. The copy action copy also the code into the clipboard, so you can copy the code rapresenting the gui into the embedded editor or into external editor.

Rad Object Inspector (instable)

It is for modify the widget property at runtime


Require ruby-debug gem. It is created when a debug session init. The debug button are: Step Next, Step Into, Step Over, Resume and quit. The debug frame show the local, instance and global variables for each step.


Same Arcadia properties are locally configurabled by editing the file arcadia.conf under ~/.arcadia directory. The format of property definition are: <OPERATING SYSTEM IDENTIFY::>PROPERTY_NAME=PROPERTY_VALUE

I have tested arcadia with ruby 1.8.4, 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1 on

  • Archlinux

  • Ubuntu

  • FreeBsd6.x, FreeBsd7.x,

  • Vector linux 5.*,

  • Windows 2000/XP,

  • Cygwin (note: same page fault error on dll under cygwin may be solved in this way: by ash.exe exec “/bin/rebaseall”).

If you will test arcadia on other operating system sends me an e-mail.

Developers e general information

Released on arcadia web site (


Arcadia is released under the Ruby License


For all questions: [email protected]

For bugs, support request, features request: