
Ardtweeno is a distributed sensor mesh network gateway which bridges devices connected through an XBee Mesh Network link to those on the internet over IP. The system is modular in nature with the interface to the gateway from the mesh network accessible through a HTTP REST API. This allows many different mesh networks potentially at multiple sites to communicate with the centeral gateway over the internet or to a serial device connected locally as would be the case with a directly connected XBee Coordinator.

All data is logged to a local database to allow statistical analysis and graphs to be generated for inclusion in hourly/daily reports which can be attached to the systems twitter feed.

The core system is wrapped in a Ruby Sinatra webbapp which exposes a HTTP REST API and allows interaction with the gateway over RESTful HTTP calls on the IP network. This has been designed with a Raspberry Pi in mind and has been tested to work correctly on the Raspbian distribution.

In future releases, I hope to make the service interactable so that it may respond to commands received on twitter, or through web hooks and possibly an IRC bot. I plan to develop a fully featured Ruby on Rails web application to act as an end user front end to the system and display generated reports and graphs from data recieved on the mesh network, while also extending the feature set of the HTTP REST API and eventually offer the means to manage and upload updated firmwares to the mesh network nodes.

This is a work in progress! The Wiki associated will soon contain the instructions for accessing the REST API and installation instructions shortly. Any bugs encountered can be raised on the issue tracker.

COPYING / Licence

This software is released under the creative commons attribution-sharealike 3.0 unported (cc by-sa 3.0) licence. for more information see: For information regarding commercial use of the Ardtweeno Gateway, please contact the author at: davidkirwanirl (at) gmail dot com


All code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.