
A Ruby library and command-line tool accessing data from the Argos tracking system.

argos-soap (webservice client)

$ argos-soap --operations


All programs Data from all programs and all platforms are fetched by default

$ argos-soap --operation=getXml > getXml.xml

$ argos-soap --operation=getXml --format=json > getXml.json

$ argos-soap --operation=getKml > getKml.xml

$ argos-soap --operation=getCsv --format=text > getCsv.csv

Select program(s) argos-soap --operation getXml --programNumber 9660

Select platformId(s) $ argos-soap --operation getXml --platformId 81308

Authentication Either set your credentials on the command line $ argos-soap --operation=getPlatformList --username=myusername --password=mypassword Or set environmental variables ARGOS_SOAP_USERNAME and ARGOS_SOAP_PASSWORD

Argos file parsing


$ #


argos-ruby was developed to parse Argos satellite tracking data text files collected by the Norwegian Polar Institute since 1989. Be warned, the Argos text file formats have changed over time. No promises are made that the library will work outside of Norway :).

Currently, the library parses Argos DS/DIAG files dating from August 1990 and onwards.


$ gem install argos-ruby