
An evented, fiber-based server for Ruby. This project is heavily based on Brubeck. The goal was to make it really easy to make an evented server that acted quick and scaled infinitely. This is accomplished by using Mongrel2, ZeroMQ and Rubinius. Rubinius has the actor gem included already so it makes it really convenient to just use rubinius. Also, the 2.0.0dev branch has super nice thread handling, allowing for true Ruby concurrency that MRI just can't offer with its GIL.

Mongrel2 and ZeroMQ

Although it seems like a strange direction to start writing servers in, eventually most companies end up in the realm of evented servers. This is because it offers nearly infinite scalability for free.

This is possible because of Mongrel2 and ZeroMQ. Mongrel2 acts as your server and parses requests. It then sends out ZeroMQ messages to your handlers and proxies and then returns their responses. Because it uses ZeroMQ messages, Mongrel2 can send messages anywhere and to any language. Conversely, it sends messages in a round-robin style, so scalability is achieved by just starting up another instance of your server.



rvm install rbx
rvm use rbx


Go grab the zip from zeromq/zeromq2-1, unzip it, and in the directory run:

./; ./configure; make; sudo make install

Armstrong as a gem

gem install armstrong

ZMQ and other gems

gem install ffi-rzmq
gem install lazy

it should also install ffi and ffi-rzmq which are to dynamically load libs and call functions from them. Interesting stuff, but out of the scope of this measly README.


Finally, go grab a copy of mongrel2 (1.7.5 tested) from the Mongrel2 website.

There's a sample mongrel2.conf and config.sqlite in the demo folder, feel free to use those. Otherwise, load the mongrel2.conf into m2sh and then start the server.

m2sh load -config mongrel2.conf -db config.sqlite
m2sh start -host localhost

minimal example

require './lib/armstrong'

get "/" do
    reply_string "hello world"

Just like in Sinatra, we state the verb we want to use, the path, and give it a block with the relevant code to execute. So far only 'GET' requests are supported but more will come out in later builds.

You can also call the get_message method which returns the request from the browser, and then reply to the request with reply(request, message). reply_string(message) is a helper function that grabs the message and instantly replies to it with message.

Now you should run ruby armstrong_test.rb and then visit localhost:6767 and relish in the 'Hello World'.

more functionality

commit e86c74aed added functionality for parameters in your path. These are simply demonstrated in the demo/armstrong_test.rb file. For instance, you can extract the id of a certain part of your path like so:

require 'armstrong'

get "/:id" do
    req = get_request
    reply req, "id: #{req[:params]["id"]}"

The params are always going to be stored in the request, naturally.


$ time curl localhost:6767/
Hello World
real    0m0.014s
user    0m0.007s
sys     0m0.004s
