
A ruby wrapper around asciimo


gem install asciimo

Use it from the Command Line

legolas:~ cowboyd$ asciimo -h
Usage: asciimo [options]
    -f, --font FONT                  Render TEXT with this font
    -c, --color [COLOR]              Render TEXT with this color
    -m MESSAGE                       render MESSAGE instead of STDIN
        --list-colors                List possible colors
        --list-fonts                 List possible fonts
    -h                               show help

from stdin

legolas:~ cowboyd$ asciimo 
Hello World
 _ _       _  _        _ _ _            _    _ 
| | | ___ | || | ___  | | | | ___  _ _ | | _| |
|   |/ ._>| || |/ . \ | | | |/ . \| '_>| |/ . |
|_|_|\___.|_||_|\___/ |__/_/ \___/|_|  |_|\___|

or from an argument

legolas:~ cowboyd$ asciimo -m "Hello World"
 _ _       _  _        _ _ _            _    _ 
| | | ___ | || | ___  | | | | ___  _ _ | | _| |
|   |/ ._>| || |/ . \ | | | |/ . \| '_>| |/ . |
|_|_|\___.|_||_|\___/ |__/_/ \___/|_|  |_|\___|

change the font and color

legolas:~ cowboyd$ asciimo -m "Str Wrz" --font starwars --color yellow
     _______..___________..______         ____    __    ____ .______       ________  
    /       ||           ||   _  \        \   \  /  \  /   / |   _  \     |       /  
   |   (----``---|  |----`|  |_)  |        \   \/    \/   /  |  |_)  |    `---/  /   
    \   \        |  |     |      /          \            /   |      /        /  /    
.----)   |       |  |     |  |\  \----.      \    /\    /    |  |\  \----.  /  /----.
|_______/        |__|     | _| `._____|       \__/  \__/     | _| `._____| /________|

(trust me it's yellow)

Use it from Ruby

require 'asciimo'

Asciimo.text("Star_Wars.flf", "Str Wrz", "yellow")