use cases

> assembla

> tickets //returns a table with my tickets

#number priority status title
123     high     new    just another bug
321     low      test   an easy fix

> select(123) //sets ticket 123 as the current ticket
> open(123) //opens the ticket 123 in the browser for analysis

> status //lists the possible statusses for the ticket
#  label
0  invalid
1  new
2  test
3  fixed

> status 2 //sets the current ticket to test
> ticket //shows the current ticket summary
> comment "some comment or reason i already fixed this before ...."

> exit //well it exits :P


gem build assembla_cli.gemspec
gem i assembla_cli-0.0.1.gem


$ assembla
$ assempla Space?> space-name
$ assembla> milestones
$ assembla> exit