Class: Atom::Workspace

Element show all
Defined in:


an Atom::Workspace has a #title (Atom::Text) and #collections, an Array of Atom::Collection s

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Element

#base, #extensions

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Element

#append_elem, attributes, #build, builders, def_get, def_set, do_parsing, #get, #get_atom_attrb, #get_atom_elem, #get_atom_elems, #get_elem, #get_elems, #initialize, initters, is_atom_element, is_element, on_build, on_init, parse, #set, #set_atom_attrb, #to_s, #to_xml

Methods included from Parsers

#on_parse, #on_parse_attr, #on_parse_many, #on_parse_root, #parse_plain

Methods included from Converters

#atom_attrb, #atom_element, #atom_elements, #atom_link, #atom_string, #atom_time, #attrb, #build_plain, #element, #elements, #strings, #time

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Atom::Element