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A simple way to append sanitizers to attributes on Rails.


class Product < ApplicationRecord
  sanitize_attribute :title, with: -> (value) {
    value.gsub(/[1-9]/, 'X')

  sanitize_attributes :title, :description, with: [:downcase, :strip_tags]

It comes with pre-defined sanitizers:

  • :stringify which perform a to_s into the value, to be sanitized as a string. Can be used before other sanitizer, that depends to the value be a string
  • :downcase which downcases a given attribute string
  • :upcase which upcases a given attribute string
  • :strip_tags which removes any tags from the given string based on Rails sanitize helper.
  • :strip_emojis which removes any emoji from the given string
  • :strip_spaces which removes any white spaces from the beginning and end of given attribute

You might define your own sanitizers:

# config/initializers/attribute_sanitizers.rb

AttributesSanitizer.define_sanitizer :reverse do |value|

It also comes with predefined bundles:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  sanitize_attribute :title, with: -> (value) {
    value.gsub(/[1-9]/, 'X')

  sanitize_attributes :title, :description, with: :no_tags_emojis_or_extra_spaces
  # same as: `with: %i(stringify strip_tags strip_emojis strip_spaces)

And, finally, you are able to define your own bundles:

# config/initializers/attribute_sanitizers.rb
AttributesSanitizer.define_bundle(:my_bundle, %i(downcase strip_spaces))


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'attributes_sanitizer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install attributes_sanitizer


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.